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相关专题: 外语  发布时间:2013-03-06
资讯导读: 在上周日开幕的政协会议上,人们不仅见到了影星成龙,也见到了其他名流的身影。外媒援引分析人士的话称,执政党中国共产党试图以此培养“软实力”。

Film star Jackie Chan joined other celebrities Sunday at a meeting of China's highest-profile advisory body, a move seen by analysts as an attempt by the ruling Communist Party to cultivate "soft power".


Nobel literature prizewinner Mo Yan and basketball star Yao Ming also attended the annual meeting of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), organised by the party.


The 58-year-old, famous in the West for the "Rush Hour" series and "Police Story", kept a low profile outside the meeting.


Chan, wearing a black shirt and glasses, said merely that he was "very happy" before boarding a bus with Mo Yan.


Professor Sonny Ho, co-director at Hong Kong's Centre for Greater China Studies, has said Chan was selected to attend the CPPCC because it was thought his stardom could help promote ties with Hong Kong.


来源:中国教育在线   编辑:zixun_1  
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